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Who stands behind Atelier Marie-Lucienne?
I am Marjan Hoebeke-Pfaff, the designer, maker and creative mastermind behind Atelier Marie-Lucienne, a small online shop for stitch markers which are lovingly handmade from FSC-certified wood and sustainable materials for business customers.
These stitch markers with a romantic touch are inspired by nature, Scotland and British flair.
My life is all about wool and wooly things
Apart from the fact that I can't imagine my life without crochet, wool or woolly adventures, I see Atelier Marie-Lucienne as an inspiring & creative company that helps people to express themselves and their individuality by making things with their own hands and thus find joy and happiness.

A Belgian lass addicted to chocolate
I am born and raised in Belgium, but now I live in the beautiful Eifel region and I have to admit that I am a chocolate addict.
I absolutely love to crochet and knit, which eventually led to me dyeing wool myself.
I'm also a mother of two great sons and a horrible housewife (thank goodness I'm married to the world's best husband).
My love of Scotland is also reflected in the products I make, which are often inspired by British motifs and colour schemes.

Sustainability and environmental consciousness are important to me
Over the past decades, I have come to realise how much I care about sustainable and conscious living.
In my private life, my family and I have taken increasingly more steps towards an environmentally responsible and ecologically conscious life.
Therefore, it was only a matter of time that the product range at Atelier Marie-Lucienne's was aligned to these goals.

Inspiration and creativity for more
Joie de vivre
I want to inspire people to express themselves through their creativity and help and support them with exquisite products to find peacefulness, experience joy and happiness and strengthen their self-esteem in these hectic times.
I also firmly believe that each of us has the right to be happy!
All it takes is kindness, helpfulness, honesty, a bit of forbearance and above all, WOOL, colourful wool and yarns and most definitely stitch markers that are as cute as they are useful and which bring you joy and put a smile on your face just by looking at them!